Digital practices of teachers in Bretagne during the confinement. An anthropological analysis of preliminary qualitative and quantitative data

Digital practices of teachers in Bretagne during the confinement. An anthropological analysis of preliminary qualitative and quantitative data

  • Didier Perret, Université Rennes 2, France
  • Pascal Plantard, Université Rennes 2, France

doi : 10.18162/fp.2020.686


This article investigates the individual and collective dimensions of pathways of digital technology appropriation by secondary school teachers, with a focus on digital practices during the confinement. A qualitative approach using semi-directed interviews was combined with quantitative data gathered from four surveys of teachers, students, and families from 2018 to 2020. The results reveal various dynamics of appropriation and highlight issues in the relationships between the various actors: teachers, students, and parents. They also call for improved support and training programs for teachers..


This article investigates the individual and collective dimensions of pathways of digital technology appropriation by secondary school teachers, with a focus on digital practices during the confinement. A qualitative approach using semi-directed interviews was combined with quantitative data gathered from four surveys of teachers, students, and families from 2018 to 2020. The results reveal various dynamics of appropriation and highlight issues in the relationships between the various actors: teachers, students, and parents. They also call for improved support and training programs for teachers..

To cite this article

Perret, D. et Plantard, P. (2020). Digital practices of teachers in Bretagne during the confinement. An anthropological analysis of preliminary qualitative and quantitative data. Formation et profession, 28(4 hors-série), 1-12.